Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More about Cartilaginous.

1. Explain how cartilaginous and bony fish regulate the salt found in water?

By Osmoregulation cartilaginous and bony fish control the levels of water and mineral salts in the blood. Bony fish deal with this uneven concentration by drinking a lot of seawater to stay hydrated and excreting the concentrated salts through the gills and gut.  Sharks have evolved the ability to reabsorb the urea created by the breakdown of protein back into their tissue which helps level out the concentration differences so they do not lose as much water. 

2. What are some key differences in LIFE HISTORYs between cartilaginous and bony fish?

The difference in these two strategies magnify why sharks and bony fish need to be managed in different ways.  Bony fish on the fast track have the ability to replace itself in a population quickly but all of the characteristics listed above mean sharks take a lot longer.

3. Describe how shark reproduce.
All shark reproduction is internal.  Male sharks have mixoptyerigia, or pelvic claspers, an extension of the cartilaginous skeleton that serve as the sperm conducting structure for internal fertilization.

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