Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Marine Anthropoids

1-What are examples of marine arthropods?

The sub-phylum Crustacean, the class merostomata, cleaner shrimp, hermit crab

2- What's the different between an anthropoids skeleton and a human?

Anthropoids is made of a tough substance called chitin, the muscles of an anthropoids are connected to inside of the exoskeleton because the animals lacks a internal skeleton of any type.

3- Compare and Contrast how anthropoids  and humans move blood in their circulatory systems?

Open circulatory its what is called and this means that unlike many other kinds of animals they have no arteries veins or capillaries to carry blood. instead blood is pumped.

4- How do the eyes of anthropoids differ from your eyes?

Each eye is composed of many smaller light-sensitive organs, called ommatidia, together, these ommatidia form a single working eye.

5- How do humans use marine anthropoids?

We mainly use for food.

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