Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What are Cartilaginous Fish?

1.What makes cartilaginous fish different from other fish? Give examples

One of them is ‘Class Chondrichthyes’, which includes sharks, rays and chimeras. This class of fish is also known as ‘cartilaginous’ fish because they have skeletons made of cartilage. The other class is ‘Class Osteichthyes’, which gave rise to the modern day bony fish, also called ‘teleost’, and their primitive relatives such as the sturgeon.  Although the two groups once shared a common ancestor, there are several major biological differences between them.

2.List examples of cartilaginous fish.

Bony fish

3.What’s special about a shark’s eye?

Shark species have eyelids and some can even protect their eye with a tough third eyelid called a nictating membrane.  Other species, like the great white shark, have muscles that can roll the eye back into the socket for protection.  Bony fish lack eyelids or the ability to protect their eyes.

4.What are the differences between bony fish and cartilaginous fish:

a.Heart and blood
b.External features
c.Digesting and evacuation

More about Cartilaginous.

1. Explain how cartilaginous and bony fish regulate the salt found in water?

By Osmoregulation cartilaginous and bony fish control the levels of water and mineral salts in the blood. Bony fish deal with this uneven concentration by drinking a lot of seawater to stay hydrated and excreting the concentrated salts through the gills and gut.  Sharks have evolved the ability to reabsorb the urea created by the breakdown of protein back into their tissue which helps level out the concentration differences so they do not lose as much water. 

2. What are some key differences in LIFE HISTORYs between cartilaginous and bony fish?

The difference in these two strategies magnify why sharks and bony fish need to be managed in different ways.  Bony fish on the fast track have the ability to replace itself in a population quickly but all of the characteristics listed above mean sharks take a lot longer.

3. Describe how shark reproduce.
All shark reproduction is internal.  Male sharks have mixoptyerigia, or pelvic claspers, an extension of the cartilaginous skeleton that serve as the sperm conducting structure for internal fertilization.

Marine Anthropoids

1-What are examples of marine arthropods?

The sub-phylum Crustacean, the class merostomata, cleaner shrimp, hermit crab

2- What's the different between an anthropoids skeleton and a human?

Anthropoids is made of a tough substance called chitin, the muscles of an anthropoids are connected to inside of the exoskeleton because the animals lacks a internal skeleton of any type.

3- Compare and Contrast how anthropoids  and humans move blood in their circulatory systems?

Open circulatory its what is called and this means that unlike many other kinds of animals they have no arteries veins or capillaries to carry blood. instead blood is pumped.

4- How do the eyes of anthropoids differ from your eyes?

Each eye is composed of many smaller light-sensitive organs, called ommatidia, together, these ommatidia form a single working eye.

5- How do humans use marine anthropoids?

We mainly use for food.

Marines Science Words of Wisdom.

Grey whale mothers nurse their babies for 6-8 months giving them rich milk which allows them to
quickly gain the blubber they will need in colder waters. However, the mother barely eats during that
time and loses 1/3 of her body weight. She is near exhaustion by the time she and her calf begin their
10,000 mile migration to the Bering Sea.

Life lesson from a gray whale: Your parents love you very much, want the best for you always, and will do just about anything to make sure you are successful!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

End of the line, Pt 2 - Movie -(102)

BIG QUESTION: Why should we humans be concerned about overfishing?
Because we're unbalancing marine life.

1. What are the "Big Five" fish we eat all the time?

Atlantic Salmon (organic farmed)
Atlantic Halibut (onshore farmed)
Coley or Saithe (NE Arctic)
Dab (otter trawl or seine net)
Herring (MSC certified)
Pouting or Bib

2. What is a reason for not eating sharks or other deep water fish?

They may also be recovering from previous
over exploitation, species with relatively low resilience to
modern fishing methods, or fish from farming systems
that need to improve some of their practices.

3. What are some "fish to eat" occasionally and "fish to avoid"?

Fish to eat:

Alaska or Walleye Pollock
Arctic char

Fish to eat only occasionally:

Grey mullet
Herring or Sild
Monkfish (Anglerfish)

Fish to avoid:

Prawn (King and Tiger)
Red Mullet
Sardine or Pilchard
Scampi or Langoustine
Shark & Dogfish (rock salmon)
Skate and Rays
Sole (Dover/Common)

Energy Flows Through Ecosystems [ Part 2 ] (100)

1. How does light and nutrients affect productivity in the oceans?
 - Light penetrates only into the uppermost level of the oceans. In high near coastlines and other areas where upwelling brings nutrients to surface, promoting plankton blooms.
2. What factors affect the ability of an ecosystem to support multiple trophic levels?
 - The amount of energy entering the ecosystem, energy loss between trophic levels, and the form, structure, and physiology of organism at each level.
3. Describe the process bioaccumulation, and describe the DDT example.
 - Bioaccumulation is the loss of energy between tropic levels is that contaminants collect in animal tissue.
- DDT built up in eagle and other raptors to levels high enough to affect their reproduction, causing the birds to lay thin- shelled eggs that broke in their nests

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sea turtle hatchlings have to make their way from their nest on shore to the open ocean, alone. From the
time they take their first swim until they return to the coastal ocean to forage as juveniles can take up to a
decade and is called “the lost years” because they are so hard to track.

Life lesson from a sea turtle: Don’t wander away unseen for 10 years…come back and visit us often!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nine , Major Animals Phyla

1- List all nine major animals phyla and an example image of animals in the phyla.

phylum porifera, phylum coelenteral, phylum platyhelminthes, phylum nematoda, phylum annelida, phylum arthropoda, phylum Mollusca, Phylum echinoder, phylum chordata.

2- What types of habitat can the species be found?

Marine (salt water) terrestrial( land) , fresh and saltwater

3- How does the species digest food?

the digestive system is incomplete which means that coelenterates have just one opening to the digestive cavity. this single openig serves as both  ts mouth and anus

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Energy Flow Through Ecosystems

Ecosystems maintain stable by cycling energy and nutrients obtained from eternal sources. There are three trophic levels. Primary producers, first trophic level, consists of producers like plants, algae, and some bacteria. They get their energy by using solar energy to produce organic plant material through photosynthesis. After comes Herbivores, animals that feed off of plants, making them the second trophic level. Predators that eat Herbivores comprise the third trophic level. They make up being the third trophic level because if larger predators are, they represent still higher trophic levels.

Sea grass notes

1. How does eelgrass density influence abundance of species in an ecosystem?
My hypothesis: The more dense the eelgrass, the more biodiverse the ecosystem because of the more availability for shelter and food.

 San Diego Bay provides multiple resources. It provides salt marsh and tidal floats, bird nesting and foraging sites, essential fish habitats such as eelgrass beds, and nine federal and states listed endangered or threatened species.
An invasive species are those that are evolved elsewhere and whose introduction has or is likely to cause harm to the environment, the economy, or human health. They have been introduced to the San Diego Bay being transported on the ballast water of international ships, arrive attached to boat hulls, introduced intentionally for fishery or mariculture, related as unwanted organisms by aquarists, or spread naturally through dispersal. 
Endangered species are habitats that are close to being extinct. For example, an endangered species in San Diego Bay would be the Eastern Pacific Green Turtle. San Diego Bay provides a protected foraging habitat for the sea turtles and offers a prime study area for researches.

Friday, April 19, 2013

San Francisco and Norfolk

Surface Water and Global Temperatures
1. Thermal Inertia. San Francisco and Norfolk, Virginia are on the same latitude. Why would Norfolk, compared to San Francisco, have warmer summers and cooler winter?
Norfolk has warmer summers and cooler winters because air in Norfolk has approached over land. 
2. Describe the different ways temperatures are "moderated" on Earth. Without moderate temperature, Earth could not support life as we know it. 

The ways temperatures are "moderated" is by liquid water which takes longer than air to heat up and cool because it has higher specific  heat.  When air cools, water slowly releases heat to the atmosphere, raising air temperatures. That is why temperatures along coastlines are cooler in summer and warmer in winter relative to inland areas.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

  San Diego Bay
San Diego Bay is a natural harbor and deep water port located in San Diego county, California near the US-Mexico border. It is 12 miles long and 1 to 3 miles wide, making it the third largest of the three large, protected natural bays on California's entire 840 miles long coastline. Before the Coronado Bay opened in 1469, commuters to and from the island relied on ferry services to cross the bay.

Several parks and nature preserves are found at various locations along the shoreline. Sightseeing depart from the downtown area. Commercial port fishing and whale watching tours depart from Shelter Island.
On the bay, the shallow southern end of the bay is used for evaporation ponds to extract salt from the sea water.

The San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex is located on San Diego Bay in Southern California, but are other locations as well. Their purpose is that it supports habitats as diverse as coastal marshes and uplands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, oak woodland, freshwater marsh, rare vernal pool wetland, and the incredible breeding and nesting grounds for
a suite of migratory and resident  bird species in south San Diego Bay.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Surface Water and Global Temperatures

1- Thermal Inertia: San Francisco and NorfolK, Virginia area are the same Latitude, Why would you NV compare to SF, have warmer summers and cooler winters?

About half of this light reaches the surface, where it is converted to heat, then transferred into the atmosphere by conduction, radiation, and evaporation. the atmosphere, like the land and ocean, eventually radiates the heat back into space in the form of long wave (infrared ) radiation.

2- Describe the different ways temperatures are "moderated" on Earth without moderate temperatures, Earth could not support life as we know it.

water takes much longer than air to heat up and also longer to cool because it has much higher specific heat. thus, on hot days, water (oceans, lakes and rivers) absorb heat, keeping the air something cooler. when the air gets cool, however water slowly releases heat to the atmosphere raising air temperatures. this is why temperatures along coast lines are cooler in summer and warmer in winter relative to inland areas. temperature varies.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

1.                     Describe how water molecules are bonded.
In water each hydrogen nucleus is bound to the central oxygen atom by a pair of electrons that are shared between them, chemists call this shared electron pair a covalent chemical bond.

2.                     Describe how the positive and negative charges of water are distributed.
  the H2O molecule is electrically neutral but the positive and negative chargers are not distributed uniformly. the electronic (negative) charge is concentrated at the oxygen end of the molecule.

3.                      Describe the chemistry of water that allows an insect to walk on water.
 the water strider takes advantage of the fact that the water surface acts like an elastic film that resists deformation when a small weight is place on it.

4.                      What is unique about water and its density?

Monday, February 25, 2013

1- What are some products that come from sediments?

Building materials for roads and structures, toothpaste, paint, swimming pool filters.

2- How much of the world's energy comes from sediments?

An estimated 36 % of the world's crude oil and 28 % of its natural gas will be extracted from sedimentary deposits of continental shelves and continental rises. off shore drilling of hydrocarbons currently generates > $125 billion.

3- How important is sand and gravel?

1/3 of world's oil and gas reserve come from deposits within the sediments of continental margins. in addition to oil and gas sand and gravel valued at more than $510 million. this is about 1 % of world needs.
2160 × 1440 -
600 × 450 -

Friday, February 22, 2013

 Essential Questions: Island arcs and oceans trenches.

1- How and where do ocean trenches form?

theses trenches form at convergent plate boundaries when one plate is subducted beneath another.

2- Describe an island arc?

curving chains of volcanic islands and seamounts are almost always found parallel to the concave edges of trenches.

3- what's the deepest trench in the world?

Mariana trench of the western pacific, where the ocean bottom is 11, 022 meters.

4- what trench does Japan lay next to?

kuril- Japan Trench.

5- Why do islands arcs, ARC?(why aren't they a straight line?
Hydrothermal Vents
1- What exactly was described as "the biggest biological discovery on Earth?
1977 was detected a dramatic change in the temperature, the hydrothermal vents, 760 degrees and not sunlight, species with no eyes.

2- Where in the oceans was the discovery made?

Cross the pacifc ocean

3- What was "interesting" about tube worms?

interesting about worms its that they can live in a contaminating water, and they are adapted and if you were cutting them , they blood.
4- How are species able to survive without sunlight? what is the process, if its not photosynthesis?

They have not sunlight but the process called chemosynthesis have some nutrients for species.

5- Where on Earth are Hydrothermal Vents located?

Its all over the world mostly cross the pacific ocean.

6- Describe the theory of how life on earth may have began at hydrothermal vents?