Monday, February 25, 2013

1- What are some products that come from sediments?

Building materials for roads and structures, toothpaste, paint, swimming pool filters.

2- How much of the world's energy comes from sediments?

An estimated 36 % of the world's crude oil and 28 % of its natural gas will be extracted from sedimentary deposits of continental shelves and continental rises. off shore drilling of hydrocarbons currently generates > $125 billion.

3- How important is sand and gravel?

1/3 of world's oil and gas reserve come from deposits within the sediments of continental margins. in addition to oil and gas sand and gravel valued at more than $510 million. this is about 1 % of world needs.
2160 × 1440 -
600 × 450 -

Friday, February 22, 2013

 Essential Questions: Island arcs and oceans trenches.

1- How and where do ocean trenches form?

theses trenches form at convergent plate boundaries when one plate is subducted beneath another.

2- Describe an island arc?

curving chains of volcanic islands and seamounts are almost always found parallel to the concave edges of trenches.

3- what's the deepest trench in the world?

Mariana trench of the western pacific, where the ocean bottom is 11, 022 meters.

4- what trench does Japan lay next to?

kuril- Japan Trench.

5- Why do islands arcs, ARC?(why aren't they a straight line?
Hydrothermal Vents
1- What exactly was described as "the biggest biological discovery on Earth?
1977 was detected a dramatic change in the temperature, the hydrothermal vents, 760 degrees and not sunlight, species with no eyes.

2- Where in the oceans was the discovery made?

Cross the pacifc ocean

3- What was "interesting" about tube worms?

interesting about worms its that they can live in a contaminating water, and they are adapted and if you were cutting them , they blood.
4- How are species able to survive without sunlight? what is the process, if its not photosynthesis?

They have not sunlight but the process called chemosynthesis have some nutrients for species.

5- Where on Earth are Hydrothermal Vents located?

Its all over the world mostly cross the pacific ocean.

6- Describe the theory of how life on earth may have began at hydrothermal vents?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

adaptations of case creatures

1 .What are some typical adaptions for theso animals , and why ? ( your own words paraphrases )

typical adaptations are lack of piymetion reduction in the size of eyes for absence for eyes al together development of sensory mechanisms that do not .

2. why is oxygen not plentiful in caves , and how do creatures  deal with the lack of oxygen ?
many of these adaptations that reduce for need for oxygen. this is because unchialine caves cur coastal caves flooded with seawater tend to be oxygen -depleted because there is no photosynthesis and very limited water circulation in the caves .

why do adaptations occur  ?
adaptations happen as ramdum events nad if they provide an advantage , the organism  is more likely to survive and reproduce than other  organisms with these same adaptations .